Calling out the Second Adhaan inside the Masjid Print

Calling out the Second Adhaan inside the Masjid

Q: Salaah-561: It is noticed that the second Adhaan for the Jumu'ah salaah takes place in front of the Imaam inside the Masjid. Some people say that it is Makrooh to call out the Adhaan inside the Masjid since it ought to be outside. Even the book Bihaare Shari'ah states that this is Makrooh. There is therefore some confusion here. Please clarify.

Answer: The Adhaan is called out for two reasons. (1) It is either a general Adhaan called out for those who are not present or (2) a specific Adhaan for those who are present. The first Adhaan on Fridays is called out to summon all those not present and calling it out inside the Masjid is Makrooh. The second Adhaan is for those present inside the Masjid, like the lqaamah and calling it out inside the Masjid is by no means Makrooh.

Just as the Iqaarmah is called out ir-r the first row, the second Adhaan is called out in front of the Khateeb and this has been the practice of the pious predecessors from generation to generation. It is to harness the attention of those present and has nothing to do with those not present. And Allaah knows best what is most correct.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.2