Performing the Janaazah salaah in a the Massjid Print

Performing the Janaazah salaah in a the Massjid

Q: Janaa'iz-100: In cases when the designated area for the Janaazah salaah (outside the salaah area of the Masjid) is too small' can the Janaazah salaah be performed inside the Masjid itself?

Answer: while it is Makrooh to perform the Janaazah salaah inside the Masjid. this will be allowed in the case of necessity, such as rain. Similarly, while it is Makrooh to perform salaah on a public road, it will be allowed at times of necessity without bring Makrooh at all, In the given case, it will also be permissible with-out being Makrooh to perform the Janaazah salaah inside the Masjid when the designated area for the Janaazah salaah is too small and alternate space is not available.

And Allaah knows best what is most correct.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.3