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Habitually Performing a Second Time in Jamaa'ah PDF Print E-mail
SALAAH.. The Book of Prayer - Miscellaneous Questions

Habitually Performing a Second Time in Jamaa'ah

Q: Miss-14: The local shopkeepers almost always perform a second Jamaa'ah after the salaah in Jamaa'ah has been performed? What is the ruling concerning this? Please reply in detail.

Answer: The Shari'ah places great emphasis on performing salaah in Jamaa'ah. Allaah says, "Perform salaah with those who perform salaah. Rasulullaah SAW. also mentioned that salaah performed in Jamaa'ah is twenty seven times superior to salaah performed individually.

Rasulullaah SAW. also mentioned that when a person hears the Adhaan and performs his salaah at home without any valid excuse, his salaah will not be accepted (even though his responsibility will be discharged). When the Sahabah RADI. asked what a valid excuse was, Rasulullaah SAW. replied, "Fear (for losing life or wealth) and illness.

Rasulullaah SAW. also warned, "Stop missing salaah in Jamaa'ah, otherwise Allaah will seal off your hearts and you will become amongst those whom Allaah classifies amongst the neglectful ones.

Rasulullaah SAW. also said, "It is better for a person to have molten lead poured into his ears than failing to respond to the call of the Adhaan.

In another Hadith, Rasulullaah SAW. said that amongst the three people upon whom Allaah's curse falls is one who does not proceed to the Masjid after hearing the Adhaan. Rasulullaah SAW. also stated, "It is thorough injustice, Kufr and hypocrisy to hear the Mu'adhin calling towards salaah and success and still not respond.

In fact, Rasulullaah SAW. even said that he would like to appoint someone to lead the salaah and then get some youngsters to collect firewood to set alight the houses of all those who performed their salaah at home without any excuse. Imagine if the mercy to mankind wishes to punishment such people in this manner, what terrible punishment must be awaiting them in the Aakhirah!

The sin for habitually missing salaah in Jamaa'ah is therefore extremely grave and very dangerous for one's Imaan. If it does happen that one misses salaah with Jamaa'ah for some valid reason and has the fervour to do so. one may perform salaah in Jamaa'ah with the members of one's household.

The situation you have described where people are performing a second Jamaa'ah is very wrong and a grave sin. It therefore has to be stopped. The situation will undermine the value of the first Jamaa'ah and will lead to the first Jamaa'ah being reduced in size. The blame for all of this will fall on those who perform the second Jamaa'ah.

It is appropriate to quote here a previous Fatwa from Fataawaa Raheemiyyah:

"Q: Miss-15: A Tablighi Jamaa'ah reached a Masjid at a time when the salaah has already been performed in Jamaa'ah (congregation). Will it now be best for them to perform a second Jamaa'ah or should they perform the salaah individually? Will the salaah be performed with or without the Adhaan and lqaamah? Answer: In the stated case, the salaah should be performed individually and without Adhaan and lqaamah because making a second Jamaa'ah in a Masjid is Makrooh." See also Shaami (Vol.1 Pg.516) and Behisti Zewar (Pg.63). And Allaah knows best what is most correct.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.3