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21 Is it allowed to pray Nafl sitting when one is able to stand? 2637
22 If he intended four, sat in the second and broke off during the last two Rak'at, how many should he repeat? 2599
23 What do you say about someone who started Nafl Salaah and then broke it off? 2574
24 How many Nafl Rak'at should be prayed with a single Salam? 2654
25 Is the Nafl you mentioned for all times and conditions? Is there narrated anything about extra virtues at special times? 2425
26 Besides Fardh, Witr and the above Sunun are there any other Salaats prescribed? 2471
27 Is there Sunnah Qira-ah in any of these Sunan? 2693
28 What is the ruling of these Sunan? 2606
29 Is there Sunnah before Isha? 2556
30 Is there Sunnah before 'Asr? 2753
31 Are there Sunan before and after Jumu'ah? 2374
32 Are some of these more emphasis than the others? 2461
33 How many Rak'at of Sunnah are made before and after the Fard? 2510
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