Home How is Zakah paid on two types of wealth and goods

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1 Please give an example of the above difference of opinion. 3293
2 A man has less than 20 Mithqal of gold and less than 200 Dirham of silver. Does he pay Zakah? 3479
3 A man has trade goods worth less than Nisab. He however also has gold and silver. Does he pay Zakah? 3075
4 A man possessing Nisab paid his Zakah at the end of the year. During the following year his wealth falls below Nisab, Does he pay Zakah? 2818
5 Is it permissible to pay Zakah before the end of his Zakah year? 2308
6 A man with Nisab gets additional wealth during the year. Is Zakah payable on it? 3232
7 What is meant by, "simultaneous when setting aside the obligated amount"? 3200
8 How is Zakah of wealth paid? 3068

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