A Hanafi Performing Salaah Behind a Hambali or a Maaliki Imaam? Print
SALAAH.. The Book of Prayer - Congregation and Imamah [leading the Salaah]

A Hanafi Performing Salaah Behind a Hambali or a Maaliki Imaam?

Q: Salaah-31: Will the salaah of a Hanafi be valid behind a Hambali or a Maaliki Imaam?

Answer: The salaah of a Hanafi behind an Imaam who is Shaafi'ee, Hambli or Maaliki will be valid without any abomination (Karaahah) on condition that the Imaam is pure according to the rulings of the Hanafi Madh'hab. If the Hanafi follower is convinced that the Imaam is not pure according to Hanafi teachings, he may not follow him and if he doubts this, it will be Makrooh Tanzeehi to follow him. And Allaah knows best what is most correct.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.2