If someone pray eid salat in london and than left for pakistan and the next day eid in pakistan so he have to eid salt in pakistan again and what about qurbani shall he have to do qurbani in london or Pakistan Print

Q: 56 – Title: If someone pray eid salat in london and than left for pakistan and the next day eid in pakistan so he have to eid salt in pakistan again and what about qurbani shall he have to do qurbani in london or Pakistan


if someone pray eid salat in london and than left for pakistan and the next day eid in pakistan so he have to eid salt in pakistan again and what about qurbani shall he have to do qurbani in london or pakistan


In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

In the situation where one has already performed his/her Eid salah, and thereafter, travels to another place where they have not yet performed the Eid salah; he/she may perform the Eid salah there again with the intention of nafl.

You may offer qurbani wherever you wish; however, the qurbani must be done after the Eid salah of the place where the animal is to be slaughtered.  

(Fatwa Rahimiyya, 10/ 40, Isha’at)
(Ahsan ul-Fatawa, 4/ 134, Saeed)
(Fatawa Darul Uloom Deoband, 5/ 227, Isha’at)
( يوم النحر إلى آخر أيامه ) وهي ثلاثة أفضلها أولها .
(رد المحتار، 6/ 316، سعيد)

وقت الأضحية  وقت الأضحية ثلاثة أيام العاشر والحادي عشر والثاني عشر أولها أفضلها وآخرها أدونها ويجوز في نهارها وليلها بعد طلوع الفجر من يوم النحر إلى غروب الشمس من اليوم الثاني عشر إلا أنه يكره الذبح في الليل
(الفتاوى الهندية، 5/ 364، العلمية)

والمعتبر مكان الأضحية لا مكان من عليه
(رد المحتار، 6/ 318، سعيد)  

And Allah knows best

Wassalaamu `alaykum

Ml. Sajid bin Shabbir, Student Darul Iftaa
Concurred by:
Ml. Abrar Mirza, Student Darul Iftaa
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah