A Mouse Falls into a Well Print
TAHAARAH - Cleanliness - WATER

A Mouse Falls into a Well

Q: Taharaat-7: A dead mouse was found in a well. A man had drawn water from the well just an hour previously and had not seen and sign of the mouse. What is the condition of the water? Will the water be purified by removing 25 to 30 buckets of water from the well? There was no change to the colour, taste or smell of the water. Will the food cooked with this water be pure and will the salaah performed with wudhu made with this water be valid?

Answer: If the mouse had not swollen, removing 20 buckets will purify the water. Removing 30 buckets will be better. You may now use the water for cooking, washing and for wudhu without any misgivings. And Allaah knows best what is most correct.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.2
