Which is the First Row? Print
SALAAH.. The Book of Prayer - General

Which is the First Row?

Q: Salaah-368: When there is a shortage of space in the Masjid and Musallis have to be placed a row forward immediately adjacent to the Imaam, with the Mimbar (pulpit) coming between their row, will they be regarded as the first row? Will the row behind them (which usually is the first row) be regarded as the first row? In fact, is it permissible to make a row in this manner when space is needed?

Answer: The first row is the row immediately behind the Imaam, in which the Mu'adhin stands to call out the lqaamah. If this row is brought forward, they will remain the first row. When the Masjid, the upstairs and courtyard of the Masjid is full, it will be permissible to form such a row. This will not even be Makrooh. However. if there is place elsewhere, it will be Makrooh Tahreemi to form a row adjacent to the Imaam (albeit slightly behind him). When there is only one follower, he would stand alongside the Imaam (slightly behind) and if there are two followers, it would be Makrooh Tanzeehi for them to stand alongside him. However, if there are more than two followers, it would be Makrooh rahreemi for them to stand alongside him. And Allaah knows best what is most correct.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.2