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Children can pray and ask Allah to transfer the blessings to their parents. If so PDF Print E-mail
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Q: 68 ? Title: Children can pray and ask Allah to transfer the blessings to their parents. If so


Children can pray and ask Allah to transfer the blessings to their parents. If so

My mother is still living. Only Allah knows whether she or I will die first. I want to pray for her now (complete the whole quran and ask the blessings to be given to her). Is it allowed. Can I tell her about it so that she will be happy.


In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh

It is permissible to recite the Holy Qur?an as well as to fulfill other nafl (voluntary) actions with the intention of sending the reward to another person, whether living or deceased. It is also permissible to relate to that person that these actions are being done for their reward, as long as the intention is sincere and to not show off.(Raddul Mukhtar,Vol.2,P.243-HM Saeed Company)
(Fatawa Mahmudiyyah,Vol.9,P.213-Jamia Faruqiyyah)
(Ahsan-Al-Fatawa,Vol.9,P.16-HM Saeed Company)
(Fatawa Uthmani,Vol.1,P.642-Maktabah Ma?ariful Qur?an)

And Allah knows best

Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah
