If Signs of Life were Visible Upon Birth Print
Funeral Laws - Funeral Salaah

If Signs of Life were Visible Upon Birth

Q: Janaa'iz-58: While there were signs of life when the baby was born these disappeared after the baby has emerged completely. Will a name be given and Janaazah salaah performed? What is the ruling if the child was stillborn?

Answer: If the signs of life were apparent until most of the body had emerged. the child will be regarded as a live child. If born head first, this will mean that the chest emerged and if born feet first, it will mean that the legs up to the navel emerged. In this case, the child will be bathed, shrouded and formally buried with the Janaazah salaah.

However, if the signs disappeared before half the bod v emerged, the child will be regarded as stillborn, in which case it will be washed, wrapped in a clean cloth and buried with Janaazah salaah. A name will be given in both instances.3 And Allaah knows best what is most correct.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.3