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Are pork enzymes haram to eat? ... a wise person I trust told me that the prophet mohmmad (PBOH) said that "if the pork weights less than an ounce then it is okay to eat". PDF Print E-mail

Q: 68 – Title: Are pork enzymes haram to eat? ... a wise person I trust told me that the prophet mohmmad (PBOH) said that "if the pork weights less than an ounce then it is okay to eat".


Are pork enzymes haram to eat?

I dont beleive so, because enzymes are so very small (smaller than an atom) and a wise person I trust told me that the prophet mohmmad (PBOH) said that "if the pork weights less than an ounce then it is okay to eat".

One of the reason that we don’t eat pork is because it is bad for you right? well pork enzyemes are so small that you would have to get a huge big-high tech. microscope just to see it, and even then it is still not clear! so it wouldn’t affect your body at all.

I want to know if it is okay to eat them? my friend think that all enzymes are haram but it is only a chemical that is use to speed up a reaction. I am a young muslim trying to get answer, can you help me please?


Assalamu `alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabrakatuh,

Pork is haram (absolutely prohibited. Pork enzymes are also haram. There is no hadith that states one may eat lesser than one ounce of enzymes.

And Allah Ta'ala Knows Best,

Mufti Ebrahim Desai

35 Candella Rd, Durban, South Africa


If a Muslim forgets to say “Allahu akbar” at the time of sacrifice, does the animal become haram? PDF Print E-mail

Q: 67 – Title: If a Muslim forgets to say “Allahu akbar” at the time of sacrifice, does the animal become haram?


As-salamu ‘alaykum.

If a Muslim sacrifices a goat or sheep, but forgets to say “Allahu akbar” during the act, does the animal become haram? If he remembers later and says “Allahu akbar,” will that make it halal?

Please clarify.  Jazakum Allah khayran.


In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

As-sal?mu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullahi wa-barakatuh.

It is necessary to slaughter with the name of Allah (tasmiyah). The proper words for the tasmiyah are “bismillahi Allahu akbar,” although “bismillah” would suffice, as well.

If a Muslim forgets to say the tasmiyah at the time of slaughtering, then the animal is still halal. He does not need to say the words afterward.

However, if he/she leaves it out intentionally, then the animal will not be halal.

(فإن ترك التسمية ناسيا حل) لأن في تحريمه حرجا عظيما لأن الإنسان قلما يخلو عن النسيان فكان في اعتباره حرج

(الاختيار، كتاب الذبائح: 5/426؛ عرابي)

And Allah knows best.

Mufti Abrar Mirza
Chicago, IL (USA)

Under the Supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai (South Africa)


Is vegetarian pork hal?l? It is 100% animal free and made from soya. PDF Print E-mail

Q: 65 – Title: Is vegetarian pork halal? It is 100% animal free and made from soya.


Is vegetarian pork halal? It is 100% animal free and made from soya.


In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

As-salamu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullahi wa-barakatuh.

The permissibility of a food product is based upon its content, not its name.  Hence, even though the name of the product is repugnant due to its containing the word “pork,” vegetarian pork is still permissible if it is completely free from any non-dhabihah animal derived product.

And Allah knows best.

Mufti Abrar Mirza
Chicago, IL (USA)

Under the Supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai (South Africa)


Is it permissible for a Muslim to eat Christmas food? PDF Print E-mail

Q: 66 – Title: Is it permissible for a Muslim to eat Christmas food?


I’m a Muslim and I reside in an area where there are Christians around us. Every year when the Christians are celebrating Christmas, they normally bring the food they cook on that day. My question is: Is it lawful for a Muslim to eat Christmas food?


In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

As-salamu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullahi wa-barakatuh.

At the outset, one should know that joining the Christians in celebrating Christmas and doing what the Christians do on that day is absolutely forbidden and is extremely detrimental to one’s iman (faith). In fact, the Jurists have stated that such acts could take a person out of the fold of Islam. The answer given below is only regarding accepting food that a Christian offers to a Muslim on Christmas day and is not about celebrating Christmas:

في التاترخانية: قال الشيخ أبو بكر بن طرخان: من خرج إلى النشيدة فقد كفر ، وعلى قياس مسألة النشيدة: الخروج إلى نيروز المجوس والموافقة معهم فيما يفعلون في ذلك اليوم من المسلمين يوجب الكفر ، وأكثر ما يفعل ذلك من كان أسلم منهم ويخرج إليهم في ذلك اليوم ويوافقهم فيصير به كافرا ولا يشعر بذلك. قال في الجامع الأصغر: رجل اشترى يوم النيروز شيئا لم يكن يشتريه قبل ذلك إن أراد به تعظيم النيروز كما يعظمه المشركون كفر ، وإن أراد الأكل والشرب والنعمة لم يكفر. قال صاحب الجامع الأصغر: المسلم أذا أهدى يوم النيروز إلى مسلم آخر شيئا ولم يرد به تعظيم ذلك اليوم ولكن جرى على ما اعتاده بعض الناس لا يكفر ، ولكن ينبغي أن لا يفعل ذلك في ذلك اليوم خاصة ويفعله قبله أو بعده كيلا يكون تشبيها بأولئك القوم
( الفتاوى التاترخانية:
5/354 ، دار إحياء التراث العربي )

For a Muslim to accept Christmas food in agreement with the celebration of Christmas or in happiness of the celebration of Christmas or in veneration of Christmas is absolutely forbidden and is extremely detrimental to one’s iman (faith). The Jurists have expressly mentioned that venerating a day that the disbelievers venerate takes one out of the fold of Islam.

If, however, one accepts the food without agreeing to the Christians’ celebration of Christmas and without having any veneration of Christmas, then the food will not be deemed to be haraam and it will be permissible for him to eat the food. This is, of course, if the food itself is not haraam.

However, it is better to not accept Christmas food. Therefore, one should kindly and amicably refuse the food prepared by Christians on Christmas day.

في التاترخانية: وما يأتي به المجوس في نيروزهم من الأطعمة إلى الأكابر والسادات من كانت بينهم وبينهم معرفة ذهاب ومجيء فقد قيل: إن من أخذ ذلك على وجه الموافقة لفرحهم يضر ذلك بدينه، وإن أخذه لا على ذلك الوجه لا بأس به، والاحتراز عنه أولى
( الفتاوى التاترخانية:
5/355 ، دار إحياء التراث العربي )

والدر المختار: ( والإعطاء باسم النيروز والمهرجان لا يجوز ) أي الهدايا باسم هذين اليومين حرام ( وإن قصد تعظيمه ) كما يعظمه المشركون ( يكفر ) قال أبو حفص الكبير : لو أن رجلا عبد الله خمسين سنة ثم أهدى لمشرك يوم النيروز بيضة يريد تعظيم اليوم فقد كفر وحبط عمله ا هـ ولو أهدى لمسلم ولم يرد تعظيم اليوم بل جرى على عادة الناس لا يكفر وينبغي أن يفعله قبله أو بعده نفيا للشبهة ولو شرى فيه ما لم يشتره قبل إن أراد تعظيمه كفر وإن أراد الأكل كالشرب والتنعيم لا يكفر. زيلعي

وفي الشامية: ( قوله والإعطاء باسم النيروز والمهرجان ) بأن يقال هدية هذا اليوم ومثل القول النية فيما يظهر ط والنيروز أول الربيع والمهرجان أول الخريف وهما يومان يعظمهما بعض الكفرة ويتهادون فيهما
( رد المحتار: 10/520 ، دار المعرفة )

( و كذا في فتاوى محمودية في مسألة قبول أطعمة أعياد الهندوس: 18/33 ، ديوبند )

And Allah knows best.

Ml. Faizal Riza
Melbourne, Australia

Concurred by:

Mufti Abrar Mirza
Chicago, IL (USA)

Under the Supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai (South Africa)


Is denatured alcohol permissible for external application if it is made from dates or grapes? PDF Print E-mail

Q: 64 – Title: Is denatured alcohol permissible for external application if it is made from dates or grapes?


My question is regarding denatured alcohol, which according to your previous fatwa is permissible to use for external application.  However, if the denatured alcohol is produced from dates or grapes, is it still permissible for external application, even though it is not suitable for drinking due to the addition of additives and chemicals?  Adding additives or chemicals only renders the alcohol unsuitable for consumption, but it does not make it pure since it still contains alcohol from dates and grapes.


In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

As-salamu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullahi wa-barakatuh.

Alcohol derived from dates and grapes is not only impermissible for consumption, but it is also a form of gross impurity (najasah ghalizah).  Hence, any product containing alcohol derived from dates and grapes is impermissible for both internal and external use.

And Allah knows best.

Mufti Abrar Mirza
Chicago, IL (USA)

Under the Supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai (South Africa)



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